Forthcoming Projects 2024-25

Schools will be invited to take part in the ‘Sing for Sefton’ vocal project in conjunction with nationally renowned vocal practitioners Ex-Cathedra. This includes vocal workshops and a performance at The Atkinson theatre in June 2025.

‘Orchestras for All’ will continue to offer performance opportunities for Primary and Secondary instrumentalists from across Sefton and Knowsley. Workshops will take place in February and June 2025 – more details to follow.

Autumn Term 2024

We look forward to welcoming everyone back for the Autumn Term!

We hope you had an enjoyable summer break and we look forwarding to welcoming our young musicians back to music making activities on Friday 20th September at the Professional Development Centre in Formby and Sefton Youth Jazz Orchestra on Monday 23rd September at Birkdale High School.

We will be performing again at the Remembrance Sunday event at Kings Gardens in Bootle on 10th November and our end of term concerts will be held on Friday 29th November.


23rd July to 2nd September – Music Service Office

The Music Service office will be closed from midday 23rd July to Monday 2nd September.

Emails can be sent to and will be dealt with upon our return.

Thank you.