National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain

The National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain are  holding auditions in Manchester on 25, 26, 27 & 28 October. 

Talent is the only criterion for gaining a place. Financial assistance is available, so no child or parent should be deterred from auditioning due to financial concerns. This year’s auditions are spread between 2 October and 1 November at 36 different venues around the UK. More information is here.

Not only do NCO residential courses provide expert mentoring, they are also lots of fun! Here’s what a current member said after an NCO residential course: “The best thing about the NCO is all the fantastic musical experiences I have had – the music is inspiring and great fun, it provides an incentive for me to practice hard. Most of my best friends are from NCO because we all have so much in common and we have so much fun together. NCO is amazing!” 

To audition, young instrumentalists must submit an application form. A downloadable audition booklet is available on the website – it should answer any questions you may have about auditioning, annual fees and financial assistance.