Spring Term activities 2022

Full details regarding registration and Ensemble dates, please see letter under Play & Sing in Sefton/Letters to Parents/Carers

MONDAYS (Central Music Centre, Redgate)
Junior Strings Beginner 4.15-5.00pm
Intermediate Strings Grade 1-3 5.00-5.55pm
String Orchestra Grade 4-8 6.10-7.45pm
FRIDAYS (PDC, Park Rd, Formby)
Junior Brass Beginner to Grade 1 1630-1715
Intermediate Brass Grade 1-4 1800-1935
Brass Ensemble Grade 4-8 1850-2025
Junior Woodwind Beginner to Grade 3 1630-1715
Intermediate Wind Band Grade 3-4 1715-1845
Wind Orchestra Grade 4-8 1800-1935
Percussion Beginner to Advanced 4:30-6.15pm* please discuss with Mr Martin

Music Centre and Ensembles on-line

We are now delivering our music centre & ensemble activities on-line. If you wish to join us, please go to: Play & Sing in Sefton/Letters to parents/carers.  Download and complete the Consent forms.  Once we have received your completed forms we will send you an invitation to join us for our next on-line session.

Music Service Office at Redgate is presently closed.

The Music Service Office at Redgate is closed until further notice, but operations will remain the same. 

We are working at various locations remotely, but can be contacted on the telephone number below – or you can email: music.service@sefton.gov.uk for further information.

If you need to contact us, please call our main office number 0151 934 3933.