Update Statement – Friday 9th May

Dear Members, Parents and Carers,

The health, safety and wellbeing of all our music-making community continues to be our priority; young musicians, tutors, administration staff and audiences.

There will be no Music Centre for the remainder of this academic year. However, we are developing exciting plans for September 2020 – even though the shape of activities might be a little different!

Instrumental/Vocal Lessons (for pupils usually taught by Sefton Music Service tutors). Lesson materials are being provided by tutors for all pupils involved in individual and small group lessons. These are available through the head of music/music coordinator at the school that your child attends.

If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please stay safe.

Yours sincerely

Chris. Lennie

Sefton Music Service


Important Announcement – Monday 16th March

Dear Members, Parents and Carers,

Following information about COVID-19, Sefton Music Service is keen to support the delay of the COVID-19 virus spreading.

The health of all our music-making community is important; young musicians, tutors, administration staff and audiences. The following concerts/events will be postponed:

  • Mayor’s Concert – The Atkinson, Southport on Thursday 19th of March
  • Junior Strings on Monday 23rd March @ 4.30pm
  • Intermediate Jazz, Junior Woodwind, Junior Brass on Friday 27th March @4.30pm
  • Intermediate Brass and Intermediate Wind on Friday 27th March @6.30pm

We realise that children, young people and our tutors have been working very hard for these events/concerts and look forward to rearranging these concerts at the earliest opportunity. For updated information about Music Centre activities please refer to the website skymusichub.com

Lessons in Schools Music lessons in schools will continue unless we are advised otherwise by individual schools and/or Public Health England.

More information about COVID-19is available here: https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19

We hope that everyone will stay safe.

Yours sincerely

Chris. Lennie

Sefton Music Service



Spring Term Concert arrangements

ALL POSTPONED until further notice.

Thursday 19th March, 7pm Concert in Aid of the Mayor of Sefton’s Charity – The Atkinson, Southport (tickets via the box office 01704 533333 ) – Jazz Orchestra, Intermediate Strings, String Orchestra, Brass Ensemble & Wind Orchestra

Monday 23rd March, Informal workshop/rehearsal, Central Music Centre:

4.30pm – Junior Strings

Friday 27th March, Informal workshop/rehearsal, Redgate School Hall:

5.00pm – Intermediate Jazz, Junior Woodwind & Junior Brass

6.30pm – Intermediate Brass & Intermediate Wind