New! Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Academy Orchestra

For 110 young musicians – aged 12-18yrs at Grades 4-7 standard or equivalent.

This is a three day non-residential course based at Notre Dame Catholic College, Everton. Participants will receive coaching by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra musicians and the Youth Academy Orchestra will be conducted by Simon Emery, Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Ensembles Artistic Director.

Although the course cost if £80 per person, Sefton Music Service (wth a grant from Arts Council England) will subsidise each place by £50 (for Sefton residents only).  So you will need to attach a cheque for £30 made payable to ‘Liverpool Philharmonic Society’ along with the application form. Please note not all applications will automatically receive a place in order to seek a balanced orchestra. Forms to be received by 17th June. Applications received after the 17th June will not be considered. (send to Chris Lennie, Sefton Music Service, Redgate, Formby L37 4EW). Please go to Letters to Parents/Carers for the Application Form.

National Youth Orchestra Auditions 2017

If you are aged 13–18, play at Grade 8 distinction level, and are totally committed to music… The world’s greatest orchestra of teenagers needs you.

Be part of NYO 2017 and breakthrough to the next level of orchestral brilliance, perform the most challenging music with the world’s greatest conductors and inspire other teenagers through NYO Inspire.

Auditions are FREE and you will receive feedback. Also recruiting teenage composers for a year of immersion in orchestral and creative opportunities.

Apply by 1 June to:

Sefton Junior Voices

An exciting opportunity for young singers – A brand new choir for Year’s 4, 5 & 6 , Directed by Stuart Overington. If you enjoy singing and want to do more then come along and give it a try Tuesdays 5.45-6.45pm (Until end of June) Central Music Centre, Redgate, Formby

Taster sessions – TUESDAY – 19 & 26 APRIL. This choir is supported and funded by Arts Council England and so is free of charge.